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10 elements of successful video call

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has proved to be a literal boom in business for providers of video calling or conferencing solutions. As a result, most sales reps have had to change their existing operations and replace traditional conference rooms with Zoom or MC Teams. Therefore, in order to be able to achieve above average sales results and have effective conversations with potential customers we present to you in this post the 10 elements every online meeting organizer must take care of.

1. Offer a concise and concrete agenda for the meeting.

  • It should be consistent with, or even build on, the main theme so far. When you determine how much time to allocate to each point and the entire meeting, the viewer will notice, plus it is important to determine the step to follow the conversation.

  • Set expectations for the video.

Include in the invitation note on your calendar that this will be a video call, and suggest proven video call software. This will also allow your callers to prepare their equipment as well as their background to avoid unwanted complications during the call.

2. Check out:

  • equipment

- a properly working microphone and speakers (preferably headphones with microphone)

- your device is connected to the power supply

- your connection to the Internet

  • software

- through which to connect (Google Hangout, Zoom, etc.).

- browser

- keep your bookmarks organised and in order

  • space

- make sure that the space you are going to talk in is free from noise or attempts to distract you.

Usually, video calls put more strain on internet connections. Make sure it is fast enough to avoid a negative experience from the person you are chatting with. The same goes for devices (processors and batteries).

3. Avoid the back light.

Make sure that the light behind you does not interfere with the visibility of your face or cause unnecessary shadows.

4. What is in your background?

Keep the background tidy. Remove unnecessary elements that could distract your interlocutor.

5. Start the conversation early enough.

Connect early enough to make sure your video and audio are set up properly.

6. Camera placement.

Place the camera at eye level. You want to engage in a conversation that is similar to a 'live' meeting rather than wondering if you have placed the camera too high or low and distracting the viewer.

7. Maintain eye contact.

Remember to direct your gaze towards the camera and not the monitor. In this way you signal to the interviewer your involvement and attention to the other party, which has a positive effect on non-verbal communication.

8. Smile.

Zachowaj przyjazny i otwarty wyraz twarzy. Twój rozmówca będzie naturalnie zwracał uwagę na Twoją ekspresję i reakcje.

9. Microphone mute

While you are not giving voice - it will avoid sharing unwanted sounds (coughing, sneezing or drinking water) with the recipient. Keyboard shortcuts help you activate and deactivate the microphone.

10. Reflect your buyer.

This is something that cannot be done without the webcam on. It has proven that by mirroring some of the subtle behaviours of our interlocutors a stronger bond is built.


Increase the success rate of your calls by making sure you are following a specific plan and you and your caller can see each other. Remember to always connect first before the call officially starts, to check the equipment is working correctly as well as the background order with you.

If you want to encourage the camera to be on (not everyone may be comfortable with the camera on) then consider using these 3 questions. However, if the interviewee refuses, then accept this and move on to the meeting agenda without putting undue pressure on them.

  1. Will you be using the camera during the interview?

  2. Do you feel comfortable talking with the camera on?

  3. Does your location allow you to talk with the camera on?

Share with us your experiences of the methods that you feel make it significantly easier for you to give talks, or which of the points mentioned are you most surprised by?




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